The latest versions of our server SDKs are now in general release. The new versions, which were released in beta more than two months ago, have consistent and guessable interfaces, better error handling than our old helper libraries, and excellent IDE support, so you don’t have to hop between documentation and code.

Each of the SDKs works with all latest version of the programming language it was written for. They handle JSON serialization and deserialization. Automatic pagination is available in the Python, Ruby, and Java SDKs so you don’t have to keep track of limits and offsets when requesting paginated responses.

What’s changed since beta

In the fall we released beta versions of server SDKs for Python, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, Go, Java, and .NET (C#). We’ve made some improvements since then.

Support for timeouts and proxies

The latest server SDKs provide for specifying timeouts and proxy settings to be used while making API requests. These settings can make your code more resource-efficient, as unused connections can be closed quickly.

Similarly, if you’re behind a proxy, you can now set the proxy settings when initializing a client so that all the connections go through the proxy.

Visit the Plivo API Reference and select a programming language in the code example pane to see how you can use timeout and proxy settings in that language.

Methods to verify X-Plivo-Signature-V2

To verify that the requests made to your server really originated from Plivo, you can generate a nonce-based signature and compare it with the X-Plivo-Signature-V2 header. Read more about validating requests and responses in our documentation, and visit the reference pages for validation in our Voice and Messaging API documentation. Select a programming language in the code example pane to see how you can use these methods in that language.

Language-specific SDK changes

We had to make a few changes since the beta launches to improve features and conform to best practices.

We modified .NET SDK to target .NET Standard 1.3 to use the cryptography package for signature validation. Since .NET Standard targets .NET Framework 4.6+ and .NET Core 1.0+, we had to drop support for .NET Framework 4.5.

We restructured the Go SDK to conform to best practices. You can find the SDK at instead of

Get started

We’ve written getting started documentation for the server SDKs, along with Voice and Messaging API reference documentation. In the code examples on these pages, the new SDKs are referred to as “latest” and the older SDKs are “legacy.”


All new features will be added to these versions of the SDKs. The legacy versions will receive critical bug fixes and security patches until June 30, 2018, and none thereafter.

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