Latest Legacy

The Brand object


address Postal address indicated during brand creation.
authorized_contact Authorized contact information indicated during brand creation.
brand_id Unique identifier for the brand created.
brand_type Type of registration indicated during brand creation.
company_name Legal name of the company
ein Employer Identification Number associated with a Standard brand.
ein_issuing_country ISO alpha-2 code for the country that issued the EIN.
entity_type Type of ownership indicated during brand creation.
profile_uuid Unique identifier for the profile used to create brand.
registration_status Indicates status of brand.
vertical Company industry.
vetting_score Vetting score assigned to brand by TCR.
vetting_status Vetting status of a brand.
declined_reasons Tuple containing error code(s) and error reason(s) - please note that a brand may fail due to multiple reasons.

Example Object

   "brand": {
       "address": {
           "city": "New York",
           "country": "US",
           "postal_code": "10001",
           "state": "NY",
           "street": "123"
       "authorized_contact": {
           "email": "",
           "first_name": "John",
           "last_name": "Doe",
           "phone": "+12125557777",
           "seniority": "admin",
           "title": "Doe"
       "brand_id": "BCDEF1G",
       "brand_type": "STANDARD",
       "company_name": "ABC Inc.",
       "ein": "111111111",
       "ein_issuing_country": "US",
       "entity_type": "PRIVATE_PROFIT",
       "profile_uuid": "09849948-656a-41a2-99da-8370251c804b",
       "registration_status": "COMPLETED",
       "vertical": "ENERGY",
       "vetting_score": 80,
       "vetting_status": "ACTIVE"