DND Service

Plivo provides a “do not disturb” (DND) feature for the US long codes and toll-free numbers. For US short codes, customers can manage opt-ins and opt-outs on their own.

HELP and INFO keywords

Plivo sends automatic messages to users who send HELP or INFO keywords to a Plivo long code or toll-free number.

Text STOP to stop receiving messages from this number. Message and data rates may apply.

Opting out

Plivo’s DND feature stops outbound messages from a specific Plivo source number (long codes and toll-free only) to a specific destination number when the destination responds with certain keywords. For example, if Number A sends an inbound message with any of the keywords listed below to Plivo Number B, then any outbound messages from Number B to Number A will be blocked with error code 200.

Supported keywords

  • STOP
  • END
  • QUIT
Note: STOP with trailing spaces and new line characters also triggers the DND block.

Valid opt-out examples

All of the keywords are case-insensitive, so variations like STOP, Stop, STop, and stop are all valid.

Invalid opt-out examples

  • “Hey, can you stop texting me?”
  • “Stop it!”

Opt-out confirmation message

An opt-out confirmation message tells the customer that they have been unsubscribed and will not receive any message from the same source number.

You have been unsubscribed and will not receive any more messages from this number.
  • Refer to our best practices guide for recommendations on message content.
  • You should include instructions to opt out with your messages like appending “Reply STOP to opt out” to your messages.
  • Apart from standard keywords, some customers might respond with text messages like “Can you stop texting me” and other similar messages. Plivo recommends you create monitoring around inbound messages, and if you’re getting angry or complaining messages, look at the opt-in list and ensure you’re reaching out to valid opted-in users.
  • If a customer opts out of messages from one Plivo number, you should not try to reach out to the customer with another number. This is likely to enrage the customer and increases the likelihood of 7726 (spam) complaints, which can lead to the suspension of your messaging campaign.

Opting in

To opt back in to receive messages from a blocked number, the number that replied with STOP must send one of these keywords:

  • YES
  • GO

After a number replies with any of these keywords, it will again be able to receive messages from the Plivo number that was blocked. The keyword triggers opt-in only when sent as a single word with no punctuation or leading spaces (any trailing spaces are trimmed).

Valid opt-in examples

All the keywords are case-insensitive, so variations like UNSTOP, UNStop, UnSTop, and unstop are all valid.

Invalid opt-in examples

  • “Hey can you enable me again”
  • “Unstop me!”

Opt-in confirmation message

An opt-in confirmation message informs the consumer they can start two-way texting with the message sender’s phone number again:

You have been resubscribed to receiving messages from this number. Reply HELP for help or STOP to stop receiving messages. Message and data rates may apply.

If a sender’s phone number was not blocked earlier, sending these keywords will not trigger any confirmation message.