Android SDK Reference

The Plivo Android SDK let you create applications capable of making and receiving calls. This document gives an overview of different classes and methods available in the Plivo Android SDK.

New in Android SDK v2.0.0

  1. Incoming call support through Firebase push notifications

  2. SDK provided in both .aar file format

  3. Android SDK support starting from Android 6.0 until latest Android 9

  4. New example applications that cover all SDK features

Applications Initialization

Registering an endpoint

  1. Declare or use user input for the SIP URI endpoint and password from the Plivo console.

     public final static String PLIVO_USERNAME = "Tatooine";
     public final static String PLIVO_PASSWORD = "Jabba";
  2. Instantiate the Endpoint class

    • With options
     public static HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>()
                 put("maxAverageBitrate", 21000);
     Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.newInstance(true, this, options);
    • Without options
     Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.newInstance(true, this);
  3. Log in with FCM token

     endpoint.login(username, password, fcmToken);

    Log in after fetching FCM token from Firebase.

  4. Log in with FCM token and certificate ID

     endpoint.login(username, password, fcmToken, certificateId);

    Log in after fetching FCM token from Firebase and certificate ID from the Plivo console.

  5. Log in with without FCM token

     endpoint.login(username, password, regTimeout);

For more information on the login methods, see Endpoint class.

Examples of Basic Call Actions

Make an outbound call

To make an outbound call, use these code snippets:

// Make an outbound call to a phone number
public final static String PHONE_NUMBER = "1415XXXXXXX";
Outgoing outgoing = endpoint.createOutgoingCall();;

// Make an outbound call to a phone number with extra headers
public final static String PHONE_NUMBER = "1415XXXXXXX";
Map<String, String> extraHeaders = new HashMap<>();
extraHeaders.put("X-PH-Header1", "12345");
extraHeaders.put("X-Ph-Header2", "34567");
outgoing = Phone.getInstance(this).createOutgoingCall();, extraHeaders);

Receive a call

Implement EventListener on your class and override the onIncomingCall method using the command:

public void onIncomingCall(Incoming incoming) {
Note: Also go through the section on Setting Up Push Notification to implement incoming calls in an Android app.

Autoconnect when the network is available

Set NetworkChangeReceiver in the onCreate() method of your class to autoconnect when the network is available.

networkReceiver = new NetworkChangeReceiver();
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
this.registerReceiver(networkReceiver, intentFilter);

Configuration Parameters

Attribute Description Allowed Values Default Value
debug Enable log messages. true/false false
enableTracking Set to true if you want to get MediaMetrics events and enable call quality tracking. true/false true
maxAverageBitrate You can use this parameter to control your application’s bandwidth consumption for calls.

A higher maxAverageBitrate value may result in more bandwidth consumption, but also better audio quality.

Lowering the maxAverageBitrate impacts call quality, as the audio is compressed to a greater extent to reduce bandwidth consumption.

This parameter applies only to calls using the Opus codec. Check out RFC-7587 section 7.1 for more information.
8000 – 48000 48000

Classes and Methods

Class: Endpoint

Endpoint class allows you to register a Plivo SIP Endpoint, after which you can make and receive calls using it.

private Endpoint endpoint() {
  return endpoint != null? endpoint: (endpoint = Endpoint.newInstance(BuildConfig.DEBUG, this));

Note: Creates the endpoint objects:

public Endpoint(boolean debug, EventListener eventListener)
  • @param debug — Setting this to true turns on the Plivo SDK debug logs. Otherwise, false.

  • @param eventListener — Login, Call events Callback listener.

These are the methods available in the Endpoint class:

Method: login (String username, String password, String fcmToken, String certificateID)

public boolean login(String username, String password, String fcmToken, String certificateID)

This method is used to register an endpoint with FCM token and certificate ID. If the endpoint is successfully registered, a notification will be sent to the onLogin method of the EventListener. In case of failure, notification is sent to the onLoginFailed method of the EventListener.

Note: This is the recommended login method to enable incoming calls using push notifications.
  • username — The username of the endpoint created on Plivo
  • password — The password of the endpoint created on Plivo
  • fcmToken — Device token obtained from Firebase. The FCM token is needed to alert the user about incoming calls using Firebase push notifications.
  • certificateID — Certificate ID created in the console after uploading push credentials. See Manage Push credentials.
// retrieve FCM token, then log in
FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnSuccessListener(this, instanceIdResult -> {
   String newToken = instanceIdResult.getToken();
   endpoint.login(usernameView.getText().toString(), passwordView.getText().toString(), newToken, certificateID);

Method: login(String username, String password, String fcmToken)

public boolean login(String username, String password, String fcmToken)

This method is used to register an endpoint with an FCM token. If the endpoint is successfully registered, a notification will be sent to the onLogin method of the EventListener. In case of a failure, notification is sent to the onLoginFailed method of the EventListener.

  • username — The username of the endpoint created on Plivo

  • password — The password of the endpoint created on Plivo

  • fcmToken — Device token obtained from Firebase. The FCM token is needed to alert the user about incoming calls using Firebase push notifications.

// retrieve FCM token, then log in
FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnSuccessListener(this, instanceIdResult -> {
   String newToken = instanceIdResult.getToken();
   endpoint.login(usernameView.getText().toString(), passwordView.getText().toString(), newToken);

Method: login(String username, String password, int regTimeout)

public boolean login(String username, String password, int regTimeout)

This method is used to register an endpoint without an FCM token. If the endpoint is successfully registered, a notification will be sent to the onLogin method of the EventListener. In case of a failure, notification is sent to the onLoginFailed method of the EventListener.

Note: This login method has a limitation: Incoming calls may not work if the app goes to the background.
  • username — The username of the endpoint created on Plivo

  • password — The password of the endpoint created on Plivo

  • regTimeout — Seconds to reregister if the app is in the foreground. The default value is 600 seconds. The value range is from 120 sec to 86,400.

endpoint.login(usernameView.getText().toString(), passwordView.getText().toString(),  600);

Method: relayVoipPushNotification(Map<String, String> notification)


This method is used to forward the FCM notification data to the Plivo SDK. The onIncomingCall() method will be called after calling this function.

When the app is in the killed state and wakes up from the FCM notification, call login(username, password, deviceToken) before calling relayVoipPushNotification(remoteMessage.getData()).

notification - Notification data from FCM.

When receiving a push notification from FCM, check whether the endpoint is logged in. If the endpoint is not logged in, call login(username, password, deviceToken) then call relayVoipPushNotification(remoteMessage.getData()).

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
   if (endpoint.login(username, password, deviceToken)) {

Method: logout

public boolean logout()

This method is used to unregister an endpoint.


Method: createOutgoingCall

public Outgoing createOutgoingCall ()

Calling this method returns an Outgoing object linked to the registered endpoint that can be used to make outbound calls. Calling this method on an unregistered PlivoEndpoint object returns null.

public void getOutgoingCall() {
    Outgoing outgoing = endpoint.createOutgoingCall();
    return outgoing;

Method: resetEndpoint

public void resetEndpoint ()

If you choose to manually reset your endpoints and disable their WebSocket transport, you can use the resetEndpoint method as shown below:

endpoint = Endpoint.newInstance(BuildConfig.DEBUG, this);

Ensure that you initialize the endpoint after reset, as shown above, or the WebSocket transport will not be reinitialized and your application will not be able to communicate with Plivo servers.

Method: submitCallQualityFeedback

public void submitCallQualityFeedback(String callUUID,Integer starRating, ArrayList<String> issueList ,
String comments , Boolean sendConsoleLogs, FeedbackCallback callback)

This method is used to submit call quality feedback after an end, reject, decline, or any other event of an outgoing or incoming call. If the feedback is successfully submitted, the onSuccess callback will be called. In case of any input validation error, the onValidationFail callback will be called. If the feedback submission fails, the onFailure callback will be called.

All three callbacks are implementations of the endpoint.FeedbackCallback interface.

  • callUUID — Mandatory string parameter used to identify the call the feedback belongs to. You can get the callUUID for the last call using getLastCallUUID().
  • starRating — Mandatory integer parameter with a value from 1 to 5. For a score from 1 to 4, the issues parameter is mandatory. It’s optional for a score of 5.
  • issueList — IssueList is an Array and must have at least one of these reasons for a starRating value from 1 to 4 — ‘AUDIO_LAG’, ‘BROKEN_AUDIO’, ‘CALL_DROPPPED’, ‘CALLERID_ISSUES’, ‘DIGITS_NOT_CAPTURED’,’ECHO’, ‘HIGH_CONNECT_TIME’, ‘LOW_AUDIO_LEVEL’, ‘ONE_WAY_AUDIO’, ‘ROBOTIC_AUDIO’, ‘OTHERS’.
  • Comments — Optional string attribute for users remarks, with a max length of 280 characters.
  • sendConsoleLogs — Boolean optional parameter with default value false. Set this to true to let Plivo’s team collect and analyze Android SDK logs for a better understanding of the issue.
  • callback — This is FeedbackCallback instance that accesses the onFailure, onSuccess, and onValidationFail callback methods.
endpoint.submitCallQualityFeedback(callUUID, starRating, issueList, comments, sendConsoleLogs, new FeedbackCallback() {

    public void onFailure(int statuscode) {
        Log._i_(_TAG_,"Status code : "+Integer._toString_(statuscode));

    public void onSuccess(String response) {
        Log._i_(_TAG_,"Success "+response);

    public void onValidationFail(String validationErrorMessage) {
        Log._i_(_TAG_,"Validation Failed : "+validationErrorMessage);

Method: getCallUUID

public String getCallUUID();

Returns a string call UUID if a call is active, else returns null.

String callUUID = endpoint.getCallUUID();

Method: getLastCallUUID

public String getLastCallUUID();

Returns the call UUID of the latest answered call. Useful if you want to send feedback for the last call.

String callUUID = endpoint.getLastCallUUID();

Class: Outgoing

The Outgoing class contains methods to make and control an outbound call.

import com.plivo.endpoint.Outgoing;
public Outgoing outgoing;

outgoing = new Outgoing(endpoint);

These are the methods available in the Outgoing class:

Method: call

public boolean call(String dest)

Use the Call method to make an outbound call. Use the SIP URI or a number to make a call.

outgoing = Phone.getInstance(this).createOutgoingCall();;

Method: mute

public boolean mute()

Calling this method on the Outgoing object mutes the call.

if(outgoing!=null) {

Method: unmute

public boolean unmute()

Calling this method on the Outgoing object unmutes the call.

if(outgoing!=null) {

Method: sendDigits

public boolean sendDigits(String digit)

Calling this method on the Outgoing object with digits sends DTMF on that call. DTMF input supports only 0-9, *, and #.

if(outgoing!=null) {

Method: hangup

public void hangup()

Calling this method on the Outgoing object disconnects the call.


Class: Incoming

The Incoming class contains methods to handle an incoming call. The public void onIncomingCall(Incoming incoming) eventListener will receive an object of this class.

These are the methods available in the Incoming class:

Method: answer

public void answer()

Use this method to answer an incoming call.


Method: mute

public boolean mute()

Use this method to mute the call.

if (incoming != null) {

Method: unmute

public boolean unmute()

Use this method to unmute the call. Calling this method on an already unmuted call has no effect.

if (incoming != null) {

Method: sendDigits

public boolean sendDigits(String digit)

Calling this method on the Incoming object with digits sends DTMF on that call. DTMF input supports only 0-9, *, and #.

if (incoming != null) {

Method: hangup

public void hangup()

Call this method on the Incoming object to disconnect the call.


Method: reject

public void reject()

Call this method to reject the incoming call.


Class: EventListener

These are the methods available in EventListener class:

Method: onLogin

public void onLogin()

This method is called when registration to an endpoint is successful.

public void onLogin() {
// notified that login is success and can proceed to other screens.

Method: onLoginFailed

public void onLoginFailed()

This method is called when registration to an endpoint fails.

public void onLoginFailed() {

Method: onIncomingCall

public void onIncomingCall(Incoming incoming)

On an incoming call to a registered endpoint, this method receives an Incoming object.

public void onIncomingCall(Incoming incoming) {
    // create call obj
    Call inCall = new Call.Builder()
            .setContact(contactUtils.getContact(from(incoming.getFromContact(), incoming.getFromSip())))
    handler.postDelayed(ringingTimeoutRunnable, Call.CALL_RINGING_TIMEOUT);

Method: onIncomingCallRejected

public void onIncomingCallRejected(Incoming incoming)

On an incoming call, if the call is rejected by the caller, this method will be triggered by the Incoming object.

public void onIncomingCallRejected(Incoming incoming) {
   Call call = getCall(incoming.getCallId());
   if (call != null) {

Method: onIncomingCallHangup

public void onIncomingCallHangup(Incoming incoming)

On an incoming call, if the call is disconnected by the caller after being answered, this method will be triggered by the Incoming object.

public void onIncomingCallHangup(Incoming incoming) {
   Call call = getCall(incoming.getCallId());
   if (call != null) {

Method: onIncomingDigitNotification

public void onIncomingDigitNotification(String digits)

On an active endpoint, this delegate is called with the digits received on the call.

Note: “*” and “#” are received as “-6” and “-13” respectively on the SDK. Your app needs to explicitly convert these on this callback onIncomingDigitNotification(String digits).
public void onIncomingDigitNotification(String digit) {
   if (TextUtils.isEmpty(digit)) return;
   notifyDTMF(digit.equals("-6") ? "*" : digit.equals("-13") ? "#" : digit);

Method: onOutgoingCall

public void onOutgoingCall(Outgoing outgoing)

This delegate is called with the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is in progress before the ringing state.

public void onOutgoingCall(Outgoing outgoing) {
   // create call obj local to your app or app logic when outgoing call is in progress.
   Call outCall = new Call.Builder()

Method: onOutogoingRinging

public void onOutogoingRinging(Outgoing outgoing)

This delegate is called with the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is in the ringing state.

public void onOutgoingCallRinging(Outgoing outgoing) {
    Call call = getCall(outgoing.getCallId());
   if (call != null) call.setState(Call.STATE.RINGING);
   handler.postDelayed(ringingTimeoutRunnable, Call.CALL_RINGING_TIMEOUT);

Method: onOutgoingCallAnswered

public void onOutgoingCallAnswered(Outgoing outgoing)

This method is called with the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is answered.

public void onOutgoingCallAnswered(Outgoing outgoing) {
   Call call = getCall(outgoing.getCallId());
   if (call != null) call.setState(Call.STATE.ANSWERED);

Method: onOutgoingCallHangup

public void onOutgoingCallHangup(Outgoing outgoing);

This method is triggered by the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is disconnected by the called number after the call has been answered.

public void onOutgoingCallHangup(Outgoing outgoing) {
   Call call = getCall(outgoing.getCallId());
   if (call != null) {

Method: onOutgoingCallRejected

public void onOutgoingCallRejected(Outgoing outgoing);

This method is triggered by the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is rejected by the called number.

public void onOutgoingCallRejected(Outgoing outgoing) {
   Call call = getCall(outgoing.getCallId());
   if (call != null) {

Method: onOutgoingCallInvalid

public void onOutgoingCallInvalid(Outgoing outgoing);

This method is triggered by the Outgoing object when an outgoing call is made to an invalid number.

public void onOutgoingCallInvalid(Outgoing outgoing) {
   notifyCallStackChange(new Call.Builder().setState(Call.STATE.INVALID).build());

Method: mediaMetrics


For an ongoing call, if any of the below events are triggered, the MediaMetrics listener will be called with the values of the event in the mediaMetrics object. To enable this feature, set the enableTracking flag to true during endpoint initialization.

MediaMetrics Events

high_jitterWhen jitter is higher than 30 milliseconds for two out of the last three samples.

This event is generated individually for the local stream and remote stream.

{ group: ‘network’, level: ‘warning’, type: ‘high_jitter’, active: true/false, // false when the value goes to normal level (last 2 out of 3 samples have jitter less than 30 ms) value: ‘<average jitter value>’, desc: ‘high jitter detected due to network congestion, can result in audio quality problems’, stream: ‘local || remote’ }
high_rttWhen round-trip time (RTT) is higher than 400 milliseconds for two out of the last three samples.{ group: ‘network’, level: ‘warning’, type: ‘high_rtt’, active: true/false, // false when value goes to normal level (last 2 out of 3 samples have RTT less than 400 ms) value: ‘<average rtt value>’, desc: ‘high latency detected, can result in delay in audio’, stream: ‘None’ }
high_packetlossWhen the packet loss is > 10% for Opus and loss > 2% for PCMU.

This event is generated individually for the local stream and remote stream.

{ group: ‘network’, level: ‘warning’, type: ‘high_packetloss’, active: true/false, // false when value goes to normal level value: ‘<average packet loss value>’, desc: ‘high packet loss is detected on media stream, can result in choppy audio or dropped call’, stream: ‘local || remote’ }
low_mosWhen sampled mean opinion score (MOS) is < 3.5 for two out of the last three samples.{ group: ‘network’, level: ‘warning’, type: ‘low_mos’, active: true/false, // false when value goes to normal level. value: ‘<current_mos_value>’, desc: ‘low Mean Opinion Score (MOS)’, stream: ‘None’ }
no_audio_receivedWhen remote or local audio is silent.

This event is generated individually for the local stream and remote stream.

{ group: ‘audio’, level: ‘warning’, type: ‘no_audio_received’, active: true/false, // false when value goes to normal level value: ‘<current_value_in_dB>’, desc: ‘no audio packets received’ stream: ‘local || remote’ }

Setting Up Push Notification

This section explains how to receive incoming calls on the Plivo Android SDK v2 using Firebase. To receive an incoming call, you must:

  1. Create a project on Firebase.

  2. Register your app on Firebase.

  3. Add the Firebase config file and SDK into your app.

  4. Copy the Firebase service accounts token to the Plivo Dashoboard.

Let’s look at each of these steps in detail.

  1. Create a project on Firebase
    • On the Firebase console, click on Add project.
    • Add project name and click on Create project. Add Project
  2. Register your app on Firebase
    • Go to the Android section of your Project home page.
    • Register your Android package on Firebase.Project Home Page
    • Click on Register app.
  3. Add a Firebase config file and SDK into your app
    • Download the Firebase google-services.json file. Firebase
    • Move the downloaded google-services.json into your Android app module root directory.
    • Click on Next.
    • Make the required changes to the Gradle of your Android app as instructed. Gradle
    • Wait for verification to be completed, then continue to the console. Verification
  4. Copy the Firebase service accounts token to the Plivo Dashoboard
    • From the project settings, under the Service accounts tab, download the private key and copy the token. Cloud Messaging Cloud Messaging 2
    • Go to Voice > Mobile Push Credentials on the Plivo console, click on Update New Push Credential, and add the server key as type FCM.

    Mobile Push Credentials



  1. Where can I see an example app that shows how to use the Android SDK to make calls?
  2. How can I file support tickets or report issues?
    Please share support tickets or issues in the format below to help us debug issues quickly:

    • Description of your use case (like app backgrounded, on Wi-Fi/mobile data, lot of network fluctuations)
    • Plivo SDK Verbose Logs (Android application logs).
      • Pointers we will be looking for logs are like all the logs with the tag D/PlivoEndpoint or E/PlivoEndpoint
      • All SIP transactions, such as

        SIP/2.0 100 Trying

        Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;received=;branch=z9hG4bKc497.8ec67418aa83e5d7d0f48ad11f78026c.0

        Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5080;received=;branch=z9hG4bKKK6pv4Farvy9m

        Record-Route: <sip:;transport=tls;lr;r2=on;ftag=NN36BrBcQ48pK;did=8c6.4611>

        Record-Route: <sip:;lr;r2=on;ftag=NN36BrBcQ48pK;did=8c6.4611>

        Call-ID: 62b89520-3410-11e9-90de-d1c5e59c76a4

        From: “android2181024115535” <sip:+654321@>;tag=NN36BrBcQ48pK

        To: <sip:android1181024115518@>

        CSeq: 725237 INVITE

        Content-Length: 0

    • Plivo callUUID (for instance, Call-ID:352231d3-3ea9-40c8-8259-e4843f5b02fc)
    • Plivo SDK version
    • Plivo SDK methods call flows, such as:
      • endpoint.login();
      • outgoing.callH(num, headers);
    • Android device version (for instance, Android 8.0.1 or Android 9.0)
    • Android device model (for example, Samsung Galaxy A8 Plus)

      Attach these details when you create a new ticket with Plivo support.

Best Practices

  1. Don’t use the deprecated methods, because they will be prone to crashes NoMethodError when removed in the future.

  2. Use the deviceToken while logging in to get an incoming call via push notification instead of using the background service to run forever in the background and watch for incoming calls.