Zentrunk uses unique four-digit hangup codes to identify issues related to call quality and call failure. These codes help us quickly isolate and debug issues related to the legs of a call.
You can find Zentrunk hangup codes in the Call Detailed Report (CDR) under the Zentrunk > Logs page of the Plivo console for every call made using Plivo’s SIP trunking platform. The hangup cause can be used to identify why and how a call was disconnected.
Hangup Source | Description |
Customer | The call was hung up by the customer’s communication infrastructure. |
Carrier | The hangup was initiated by the remote carrier. |
Zentrunk | Zentrunk initiated the hangup. There are several possible scenarios in which Plivo will hang up a call. |
X-ZT-Hangup-Code and CDR-Hangup-Cause | Code Description | SIP-Response | SIP-Code and Originator |
3000 normal_hangup | Normal hangup from the carrier | Hangup from Carrier | 200 Carrier |
3010 normal_hangup | Normal hangup from the user | Hangup from User | 200 Customer |
3020 rtp_timeout | Mid-call failure due to a media timeout | Media Timeout Hangup | 0 Zentrunk |
3030 insufficient_Plivo_credits | Mid-call failure due to low credit | Low Credits | 402 Zentrunk |
3040 abnormal_hangup_due_to_reinvite | The call was ended abruptly because the sender’s re-invite was rejected. This may be due to a change in any of the session parameters. | Abnormal Hangup | 200 Zentrunk |
4000 bad_request | The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. The client should not repeat the request without modifications. | Bad Request | 400 Zentrunk |
4010 call_rejected_unauthorized_by_carrier | The carrier rejected the call invite due to authentication failure, which may be due to blacklisted credentials. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
4020 call_rejected_unauthorized | Request requires user authentication. The user agent client may repeat the request with a suitable authorization header field. | Call Rejected | 401 Customer |
4030 insufficient_plivo_credits | There is insufficient Plivo credit to initiate the call | Insufficient Credits | 402 Zentrunk |
4040 forbidden | The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. The call can be rejected by the receiver (for an outbound call, this would be the carrier). Authorization will not help in this scenario. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
4050 blacklisted_for_verification | The destination number is blacklisted for verification by Zentrunk. | Blacklisted For Verification | 403 Zentrunk |
4060 forbidden | Forbidden by the user, authentication failed at the user’s PBX. | Forbidden | 403 Customer |
4070 trunk_not_found | Trunk lookup has failed. This means the user has shared a request for a trunk URI lookup, Zentrunk did not find a valid URI, and an error response was sent back. | Trunk Not Found | 404 Zentrunk |
4080 route_not_found | There is no matching trunk URI, which may be due to an incorrect URI or misconfigured incoming call route settings. | Route Not Found | 404 Zentrunk |
4090 destination_not_found | No route to destination. This means Zentrunk was unable to find any carrier gateway or that we received a decline notification from the carrier. | Destination Not Found | 404 Zentrunk |
4100 prefix_not_supported | The outbound call was made without the correct prefix preceding the number or with an invalid prefix. | Prefix Not Supported | 404 Zentrunk |
4110 forbidden_call_secure_trunking_disabled | The call was ended because Secure Trunking was disabled. Either the signaling was TLS or the media was in SRTP. | Hangup from Zentrunk | 403 Zentrunk |
4120 destination_invalid | The dialed number in the “To” field was formatted incorrectly. | Invalid Destination Number | 404 Zentrunk |
4130 incorrect_callerid_non_numeric | The caller ID number was non-numeric. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
4140 incorrect_callerid_too_short | The caller ID number is too short (less than six digits). | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
4150 proxy_authentication_required |
The carrier is challenging the authorization of a client and MUST include a proxy-authenticate header field containing at least one challenge applicable to the proxy for the requested resource. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
4160 request_timeout_carrier | A response within a suitable amount of time was not received by the carrier during an outbound call. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
4170 request_timeout_customer | A response within a suitable amount of time was not received by the customer during an inbound call. | Request Timeout | 408 Customer |
4190 unknown_caller_id | The call was rejected because the outbound call was initiated using a non-Plivo number as the caller ID. To ensure successful call termination, please use a number rented from Plivo. | Forbidden | 403 Zentrunk |
4220 unsupported_media_type | The request body is in a format not supported. Supported media types on Zentrunk:audio. Audio codecs — PCMU, PCMA and telephone-event. | Unsupported Media Type | 415 Zentrunk |
4230 unsupported_uri_scheme | The request-URI is unknown to Zentrunk. | Unsupported URI Scheme | 416 Zentrunk |
4270 session_interval_too_small | The request contains a session-expires header field with a duration below the minimum. | Session Interval Too Small | 422 Carrier |
4310 uri_not_found | Unable to find the URI associated with the trunk | Origination URI Not found | 404 Zentrunk |
4320 uri_invalid | URI is unresolvable. This usually arises when the domain name is not mapped to an IP address. | Invalid URI | 476 Zentrunk |
4330 temporary_unavailable | The service is temporarily unavailable on Zentrunk. This can be due to a limit set on the maximum calls per second or server is currently running out of capacity. | Temporary Unavailable | 480 Zentrunk |
4340 temporary_unavailable | The callee is temporary unavailable. | Temporary Unavailable from Carrier | 480 Carrier |
4350 temporary_unavailable | The callee is temporary unavailable. | Temporary Unavailable from Customer | 480 Customer |
4360 call_does_not_exist | A new request comes in when an ongoing dialog does not match the Call ID. | Call Does Not Exist | 481 Zentrunk |
4370 loop_detected | Zentrunk has detected a loop and aborted the call. | Loop Detected | 482 Zentrunk |
4380 too_many_hops | Intermediate exchange has released the call due to reaching a limit in executing the hop counter procedure. | Too Many Hops | 483 Zentrunk |
4410 user_busy | The user is busy. For an outbound call, the user is the carrier. For an inbound call, the user is the customer. | User Busy | 486 Zentrunk |
4420 carrier_cancelled | The request is terminated by a bye or a cancel from carrier. | Request Terminated | 487 Carrier |
4430 sdp_not_acceptable_here | The SDP is not supported on Zentrunk. | Not Acceptable Here | 488 Zentrunk |
4440 request_terminated | The request was terminated by a bye or a cancel from Zentrunk. | Request Terminated | 487 Zentrunk |
4500 request_pending | Zentrunk has a pending request from the same dialog. This is because Zentrunk is still processing the existing SIP request. | Request Pending | 491 Zentrunk |
4520 security_agreement_required | Zentrunk has received a request that requires a negotiated security mechanism. The response contains a list of suitable security mechanisms for the requester to choose from. | Security Agreement Required | 494 Zentrunk |
4540 forbidden | Forbidden authentication due to failure on Zentrunk. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
4550 user_cancelled | User requested a call cancel. It’s the response code an SIP User Agent Server (UAS) will send to the client after the client sends a CANCEL request for the original unanswered INVITE request. | Request Terminated | 487 Customer |
4560 barred_country | The number has been blocked in the geo permissions settings. Calls made to this number belong to a specific country or number group, and will not go through since that country or number has been barred. | Barred Country | 403 Zentrunk |
4570 barred_number | Destination number is barred. | Barred Number | 403 Zentrunk |
4580 invalid_sip_packet | Invalid SIP packet sent to Zentrunk either by the call recipient or the caller. This may denote a mismatch in the SIP request headers, requests, or routes. | Invalid SIP Request | 400 Zentrunk |
4590 domestic_anchored_terms_not_met | The call was rejected as the domestic calling requirements were not satisfied. | Domestic Anchored Terms Not Met | 403 Zentrunk |
4610 ruri_not_acceptable_here | Unsupported RURI on Zentrunk | Not Acceptable Here | 488 Zentrunk |
4620 codec_not_acceptable_here | Unsupported codec on Zentrunk | Not Acceptable Here | 488 Zentrunk |
4630 sdp_not_acceptable_here_by_carrier | Unsupported SDP from the carrier | Not Acceptable Here | 488 Carrier |
4640 sdp_not_acceptable_here_by_user | Unsupported SDP from the user | Not Acceptable Here | 488 Customer |
5000 service_unavailable_no_more_destinations | The call could not be connected with the destination address. This is a generic error that covers fatal network conditions and signaling issues from the terminating gateway. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5010 port_limit_reached | Zentrunk could not fulfill the request due to an unexpected condition or from reaching maximum port capacity. | Port Limit Reached | 500 Zentrunk |
5020 not_implemented | Zentrunk does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. These are unsupported packet types. | Not Implemented | 501 Zentrunk |
5030 not_implemented_at_carrier | The carrier does not understand this request and therefore is unable to fulfill it. | Not Implemented | 501 Carrier |
5040 not_implemented_at_user | The PBX does not understand this request and therefore is unable to fulfill it. | Not Implemented | 501 Customer |
5180 cps_limit_reached | The limit on the number of calls initiated at a given time has been exceeded. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5190 concurrent_call_limit_exceeded | The concurrent call limit was exceeded. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5200 server_timeout | Expiration of a timer in association with error handling procedures | Server Timeout | 504 Zentrunk |
5220 service_interrupted_middialog_by_customer | 4xx failed mid-dialog transaction to request send by user when a session is already ongoing | Service Interrupted By Customer | 503 Customer |
5230 service_interrupted_middialog_by_customer | 5xx or 6xx failed mid-dialog transaction to request send by user when a session is already ongoing | Service Interrupted By Customer | 507 Customer |
5240 service_interrupted_by_nomedia | Service was interrupted due to a media error when a session is already ongoing. | Service Interrupted by No Media | 508 Zentrunk |
5250 internal_error | Service unavailable due to a back-end issue. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5260 internal_error_routing | Service unavailable due to internal routing issue. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5270 internal_error_media_service | Service unavailable due to a media server component issue. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5290 internal_error_trunk | Service unavailable due to an issue fetching trunk URIs. | Service Unavailable | 503 Zentrunk |
5300 bad_gateway | Carrier sent a 502 bad gateway response. | Bad gateway | 404 Carrier |
5310 service_interrupted_middialog_by_carrier_4xx | Mid-call failure arising due to a mid-dialog transaction request sent by carrier when a session is already ongoing | Service Interrupted By Carrier | 503 Carrier |
5320 service_interrupted_middialog_by_carrier_5xx_6xx | Failed mid-dialog transaction request sent by the carrier when a session is already ongoing | Service Interrupted By Carrier | 507 Carrier |
5330 server_timeout | Timeout associated with error-handling procedures at the carrier | Server Timeout | 504 Carrier |
5340 server_timeout | Timeout associated with error-handling procedures by the user | Server Timeout | 504 Customer |
5350 service_unavailable_by_carrier | The carrier is temporarily unable to handle a request . | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
5360 service_unavailable_by_user | The user PBX is temporarily unable to handle a request. | Service Unavailable | 503 Customer |
6000 busy_everywhere | All possible destinations are busy and no alternative destination (such as a voicemail server) is available to accept the call. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
6030 alloted_timeout | Zentrunk canceled the call because the destination channel took too long to answer. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
6040 declined_from_carrier | Services were declined by the carrier because there are no alternate destinations for the call to be accepted. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |
6070 not_acceptable | The user’s agent was contacted successfully but some aspects of the session description were not acceptable. This is a carrier-side failure. | Service Unavailable | 503 Carrier |